Tuesday, 10 December 2019 01:19

Holiday Season Safety and Crime Prevention

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During the holiday season, crime rates tend to have a slight up-swing. This is due, in part, to shoppers carrying more cash and credit cards with them while shopping. Follow these simple steps to be safe this Holiday season.

During the holiday season, shoppers may be so busy that they fail to be aware of their surroundings. Careless or unaware shoppers are easy targets for purse snatchers and street robbers. We want to remind people to be aware of their surroundings and to take extra care when it comes to the safety of themselves, loved ones and their property.

Here are the following safety tips this holiday season:

Shopping Safety
























Vehicle Safety


Home Safety


And last but definitely not least, protect yourself with Leelou. With Leelou, you'll feel much safer doing Christmas shopping. It's your very own immediate personal safety app. And it's FREE! Available at Google Playstore and Apple Appstore. Share it to your loved ones this Christmas season. Show them your care this season of giving. Happy Holidays from Leelou.

Read 3194 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 02:53
Jerry Farsoun

Jerry Farsoun, a social entrepreneur who for more than a decade has been championing the personal safety space using technology.

In 2008 he set the world aviation record for the longest solo and unassisted ultralight flight in a powerchute around mainland Australia. This was to help reduce the stigma and raise awareness of depression with an emphasis on suicide prevention.

He spent the near decade researching technology to help people who felt vulnerable and in 2015, began developing a platform that helped anyone who was in need and may not be in a postion to put a call out for help.

He was nominated for Australian of the Year in 2017 and his company was a finalist in Business of the Decade in 2018.

The personal safety platform is called Leelou launched on the AppStores in 2018 is keeping us safer anywhere, anytime by always being available to provide immediate personal protection so we can enjoy some of the freedoms to live as we choose.

You can learn more about Jerry on his website www.jerryfarsoun.com