Thursday, 09 January 2020 02:25

Women Safety While Driving

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These are some precautions for all motorists, but particularly females traveling alone, to keep in mind. 


These can help you to stay safe and avoid becoming a crime statistic.


Vehicle maintenance

Ensure that the vehicle you are traveling in is roadworthy. You do not want your car to break down, especially in a deserted area or at night. Service your vehicle when you have reached the mileage or annual service interval and make sure you always use a reputable workshop. Check the oil, water, brake fluid levels, and tire pressure regularly. Also, make sure you fill up when the petrol light comes on. People often tend to overestimate how much fuel is left.

Plan routes carefully

Know where you are going and plan your journey in advance by ensuring you have the correct directions to your destination. Have the directions ready or enter the destination in your GPS or preferred navigation app before embarking on your journey to avoid distractions en route and having to stop in a high-risk or quiet area. Always let a family member or friend know where you are headed and your expected arrival and/or departure times.

Care while driving

Always keep your car doors locked and windows closed. Avoid driving with valuables insight – they are better kept in the boot or under the seats. While driving, be vigilant about where you are and your surroundings especially when driving in unfamiliar areas. This will help you to avoid a dangerous situation or even an accident. Keep in mind that a large number of hijackings still take place close to home or in driveways so turn off your radio and don’t be distracted by your cellphone when approaching home. Even looking alert might be enough to dissuade potential criminals. If you feel unsafe, head for a police station or drive to a busy area.

Sensible parking

Always park your vehicle in a well-lit, properly secured parking area, ideally with security guards on duty and as close to entrances and exits as you can. When you leave your car, make sure the doors are properly locked. Never just assume that the remote has in fact locked the doors. The extra few seconds it takes to make sure the vehicle is properly locked and secured are worth it.

Invest in a tracking service

These days, vehicle trackers can offer so much more than stolen vehicle recovery. There are many different types of vehicle tracking services and added features and benefits available to the market that offer greater care and protection for the people that subscribe to them. Premium services can monitor your vehicle and send you notifications on standard risk events and may even offer roadside and medical assistance. With more inclusive services, as the driver, you are able to share your journey with a friend or loved one ensuring that they know where you are and that you are safe.

Have the immediate safety app Leelou downloaded on your phone. In case of any emergency and suspicious people lurking around you get to have an emergency call to your guardians to ask for immediate help and to let them know that you're in danger. 

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Jerry Farsoun

Jerry Farsoun, a social entrepreneur who for more than a decade has been championing the personal safety space using technology.

In 2008 he set the world aviation record for the longest solo and unassisted ultralight flight in a powerchute around mainland Australia. This was to help reduce the stigma and raise awareness of depression with an emphasis on suicide prevention.

He spent the near decade researching technology to help people who felt vulnerable and in 2015, began developing a platform that helped anyone who was in need and may not be in a postion to put a call out for help.

He was nominated for Australian of the Year in 2017 and his company was a finalist in Business of the Decade in 2018.

The personal safety platform is called Leelou launched on the AppStores in 2018 is keeping us safer anywhere, anytime by always being available to provide immediate personal protection so we can enjoy some of the freedoms to live as we choose.

You can learn more about Jerry on his website